Users with appropriate rights can set up an automatic enrollment. Use this feature to automate the enrollment of users into Learning Activities. When an automatic enrollment rule is created, all users that match the organisation and Learning Profiles criteria are enrolled in Learning Activities. In addition, all FUTURE users to match the criteria will also automatically be enrolled when they are created.
Pleaste note that ... :
- ... the automatic enrollment rules are used by the system when creating the enrollments, therefore changes in the settings will only apply to future enrollments and will not affect existing enrollments.
- ... it is possible to define automatic enrollments at all levels in an organisation. If a rule is defined in the upper level, it applies to all underlying levels. Note also that it is possible to have rules on several organisational levels at the same time.
- ... deletion of an automatic enrollments does not lead to course enrollments being deleted, but rather the rule ceases to function meaning no further automatic enrollments will occure.
And now... time for the guide of how to set up an automatic enrollment:
- First enter the administration (or manager) tab of your Activate LMS. Please note that color and style can differ, but headlines, links etc. are located and organised the same way in all systems.
- Press the Resources button on the main toolbar.
- Now click Organisation.
- You can now navigate or search for to the organisational unit you wish to delete. Navigation is done by expanding + until the right organisation has been spotted. You can search in the textfield next to the Search button. Please note that if more than three parent organisations are present, you must choose a parent organisation in the (please select organisation) dropdown menu.
- Now click the organisations associated Edit.
- Click Automatic Enrollments.
- Click New on the headerline next to Settings.
- Now it is time to specify the details of the automatic enrollments.
- Select the activity type of the content you want to create an automatic enrollment rule for, (e.g. course, module, lesson etc.)
- Select the Learning Activity's name
- Select the Learning Profile(s) the rule should apply to.
Beneath settings you can specify temporal properties of the enrollment:
- Active: Defines whether the enrollment should be active from the start. If an enrollment is not active, the learner will be able to see, but not launch, the Learning Activity.
- Start lag time: Defines the start date of the enrollment relative to the time the rule is executed.
- Due lag time: Defines the due date of the enrollment relative to the time the rule is executed.
- Expiration lag time: Defines the expiration date of the enrollment relative to the time the rule is executed.
- Lock on completion: Locks the Learning Activity when it's completed. This means that the user can still open the Learning Activity, but the LMS doesn't register any answers.
- Certificate valid: Sets how long the certificate should be valid.
- Autorenew certificates: Normally you can only enroll a user into an activity one time per user, but if you put check mark here, you can enroll the user into the activity multiple times. The user also has the ability to do so themselves from the certificate they get for the Learning Activity.
- Press Insert to save your new automatic enrollment.
- Great success! An automatic enrollment has now been created!