Users with appropriate rights can create multiple users by uploading a .csv file. Please note that this feature must be used with caution, since all submitted actions cannot be undone. Imagine creating 2000 users faulty users because of one simple mistake? However... with thoroughly caution this feature is definitely within reach. We recommend unexperienced users to first take this feature a testdrive by going through this guide first, only upload a .csv file with a single data entry and making ungoing tests.
Preparing the .csv file
Typically, one must collect information about the users and enter them into an Excel sheet, or rather a comma-delimited Excel sheet, also known as a .csv file. Below is an example of how such a .csv file looks like in Excel. When saving your sheet of users, please save as the file type: "CSV (Comma delimited)".
Please note that all fields except password and language MUST be filled in. The headers MUST be written in the order as specified, and there shall (for now) be no additional columns in the worksheet. As mentioned you can omit the password column, which will result in the password being automatically generated by the system (and therefore not known by the Admin or you). You can also omit the language which will result in not language preference being specified (meaning the user will use the site default). Headers are not case sensitive. When omitting the password and/or language fields just don't fill them out and you must keep the headers.
Description of fields in the .csv format
Column titles must appear in this order: firstname, lastname, email, username, learning_profile, organisation, isManager, password, language.
Content of Password and Language are optional - but the headers must remain!
- firstname and lastname: Used for the users first and last names.
- email: The users e-mail.
- username: The desired username. Please note that the username must be unique in the system. In most cases, it may be a good idea to use the user's email address. If a user name already exists in the system, the user will not be created again, but rather the user's (with the given username) information will be updated with the given information. Please note that this only happens if the user is in the same organisational unit.
- learning_profile: Learning profile typical refers to a user's job function, such as doctor or nurse, salesperson or technician, etc.. If a user must be assigned multiple learning profiles, these can be separated with a comma in the field, for example: "Nurse, Team leader". Note that learning profiles which does not exist, will be created. The name of the Learning Profile on the site's default language is dominant. If the learning profile is not defined in the default language, the english value is used as default language.
- organisation: This field indicates where in the organisation the user should be placed. The different organisational levels are separated by //. Single / can be used normally as a regular character. Here is an example:
Acme A/S//Explosives//Denmark//Copenhagen
The root level organisation must exist in the system. All other organisations that does not already exist in the system will be created. Please note that since all organisations must have at least one manager, the manager(s) of the parent organisation will be used, unless the first user being created in the organisation has isManager = true (see next field). - isManager: Must be "true" or "false". If true, the user is given a manager role and is designated to be the manager of the organisational unit he or she is assigned to. If false, the user will be created in as a regular user. Please note that if more than one type of Manager Role exist in system, you will be prompted in the user interface to select which Manager Role should be used when IsManager = true.
- ManagerRoleName (optional): This field is only relevant if the CSV file is being processed via the API. It allows for creating managers with different Manager Roles and is only used when IsManager = true.
- Password (optional): As mentioned earlier, you can omit the password column. Omission would result in the password being automatically generated by the system. Please note that the password must comply with the defined conventions for password in your Activate LMS.
- Language (optional): It is possible to set the language preferences of the user. If left blank, the value is set the default language as the language preference. Please note languages must be defined at the individual Activate LMS Setup to be available.
The following languages can be added for content, user language preferences and notifications in the LMS.
CODE (use for batch importing)
Arabic (UAE)
Dutch (Netherlands)
Portuguese (Brazil)
Additional optional fields
The following fields are all optional and headers can be added after "Language" in the csv. file.
- address: Address of the user. For example: "New Road 1"
- postalCode: Postal code of the user. For example: "90210"
- city: City of the user. For example: "Beverly Hills"
- countryCode: Must be standard country codes, eg. "DK", "DE", "SE" etc.
- phone: Phone number of the user including country phone code. Please use this format: (+xx)xxxxxxxx. Example: (+45)12345678
- isactive: Can be "true" or "false". If true, the user is set to active and can log in. If false, the user is set to inactive and cannot log in.
- newusername: Updating an existing user's username. When left empty, it simply creates the user as usual. When filled out, it updates the user from the username column, to the desired new username. If the new username already exist it cannot be updated. To delete an existing user, type in "#delete".
The order in which these appear are not fixed. I.e. (see picture below) you can just have an address and countryCode, and leave the rest out.
How to create batch create users via a .csv file
- First enter the administration (or manager) tab of your Activate LMS. Please note that color and style can differ, but headlines, links etc. are located and organised the same way in all systems.
- Click on the Tools button.
- Click Batch import users or Batch import users by organisation. When using Batch import users by organisation, you are asked to select a organisational unit in which all users will created. Please note that in this case, if a value is specified for Organisation and IsManager in the CSV file, these values will be ignored.
- Click Choose file and locate and select the .csv file.
- If you do not want Activate LMS to send e-mail with username and password for users to remove the check mark in the Send mail to imported users.
- Click on the Import Users button
Further information
It is possible to seek out additional information about users in Activate LMS at this article.
Please note that there are several ways of creating a single user or several users immediately. The different methods and a quick overview of which to choose can be seen at: What creation process to choose.