Everyone with access to Activate LMS is a user. Of course there's a major difference at which functionalities each individual user has access to. The functionalities is regulated by which role the individual user has. These roles are set by the admin during creation or at a later stage during an edit of a user.
If a user has access to both see and edit users, these will be grouped into the resources menu.
If the user only has access to either see or edit, the feature will have its own button in the menu, which should look similar to the picture below.
About Creating users
Please note that there are several ways of creating users such as:
- Clicking the new button on the users page (to see a tour of how to do this, please click this link).
- Creating multiple users at once via a .csv file. Typically, one must collect information about the users and enter them into an Excel sheet, or rather a comma-delimited Excel sheet, also known as .csv. Please note that this feature must be used with caution, since all submitted actions cannot be undone. Imagine creating 2000 users faulty users because of one simple mistake? If you'd like to know more about this feature in detail please contact us and we'll provide you with assistance of how to harness this powerful beast! With thoroughly assistance and caution this feature is definitely within reach.
- Creating users via a webservice. The Activate LMS API consists of a number of web services allowing developers to communicate with Activate LMS. This allows for automatic creation and integration with other systems like Active Directory, a CRM system, a webshop and more. This is a feature that is included free of charge to active Activate LMS customers, however the API must be configured for each individual customer. Please contact us for information on how to use and configure this.
- Allow the users to create themselves. Access is controlled by a “challenge code” that prevents random passers to create users of the system and makes sure users are created in the right organisations. Please visit this link to see a detailed guide of how to do this.
Searching for users
It is possible to search, edit and delete users in the user section. The search tool searches through the first name, last name and username of users. Organisation, learning profile and role can be specified in the drop down menus. If no organisation, learning profile or role is specified the system will search through all of the given category. The active checkbox indicates, whether the called for users should be active or not. It is possible only to search for a snippet of a user.
For example searching for "en" will return all users containing this snippet. Therefore both the users with the last name "Hansen", "Jensen" and "Pødenphandt" will be the result in this example.
There is an additional filter, on the right side of the drop-downs. This filter includes the option to filter users in a selected organisation on a specific learning activity with a given/selected status and an extra option to pick a specific language too.
General tab
The general tab is used to display basic information about the user. The following fields are mandatory and should be filled out when creating a new user:
- "First name"
- "Last name"
- "Username"
- "Password"
- "Email"
- "Organisational unit"
- "Learning profile"
- "Language".
The remaining fields are optional:
- "Mobile"
- "Address"
- "Postal code"
- "City"
- "Country"
The values for first name, last name, username, password, email and mobile, address, postal code, city, country are pretty much self explanatory so the following sections will focus on the remaining values and functions.
Change Username
Click this to change the username. This function is only available when editing users.
Password - Resend & Send new
Resends the existing password or sends new password to the user. This function is only available when editing users. Please visit this link to see an article of how to send or resend passwords to a user.
After pressing resend or send new, the browser will ask if you're certain that you wish to proceed with your selected action. If the email is send successfully a feedback acknowledging the action will be presented. Please note that success only implies that the mail has been send and not that the recipient has received the mail. Therefore a resend to a miss-typed and non-existing password will appear as an success.
Passwords in Activate LMS require a certain length and a number of special characters. The specific restrictions of passwords are configured by the admin on creation of Activate LMS. If you'd like to know more in detail about passwords and restrictions, you should contact the administrator of your system.
Organisational unit
Specifies which organisational unit the user belongs to.
Learning Profiles
Which learning profiles does the user have? This can be used very creatively, but normally this maps to a job function such as sales person, nurse or corporal (of course depending on the type of organisation).
Role allows you to assign roles to the user.
Roles work in conjunction with organisations so you may have a role which allows you to edit users in one organisational unit, and another role in another organisation which only lets you see, but not edit users.
The Activate LMS comes with three built in roles:
- Manager. This is used in conjunction with organisations. The Manager role typically has access to see reports for users in an organisations and more. The Manager role can be edited.
- Site Admin – has access to everything. Keep this one tightly guarded. Cannot be edited.
- Author – has access the Question bank which allows for creating online quizzes from within Activate LMS. Cannot be edited.
Roles are defined under Administration > Configuration > Roles
If there is no check mark in the Active checkbox, users cannot log on to Activate the LMS. Besides making a user inactive by removing the checkmark in the Active, a user can become inactive in two other ways:
- If a user tries to log on with the wrong password more than three times, the user will become inactive.
- If there is an Expiration date defined for the user, the user will become inactive when the date is reached. Expiration date can be set on the individual user, or can be a consequence of a value in the User's Active Days on the learning profile the user has.
Email or SMS (SMS is only available if enabled). Uncheck this to prevent emails from being sent from the LMS. Please note that the "forgot password" and "new user" email WILL be sent regardless of the value of this setting.
Specifies the users’ language preference. If the chosen language is Danish or English the ActivateLMS user interface will be displayed in that language. With any other language preference, the default language for the site will be displayed. Learning content and email notifications will be displayed to the users in the users language preference if it is defined. If not the sites default language is used. Activate LMS default languages can be either English or Danish.